The Wild Soccer Bunch (Die wilden Kerle)
German title: Die wilden Kerle – Alles ist gut, solange du wild bist!
Spain title: Las fieras fútbol club
Russian title: Сорванцы
Original title: Die wilden Kerle
Alternative titles:
Мяч в игре
Child comedy – Germany
Production year: 2003
Movie length: 94 minutes
Director: Joachim Masannek
Writer: Joachim Masannek
Cinematograph: Sonja Rom
Music: Gert Wilden Jr.
The Wild Soccer Bunch
Movie description:
DVD-Kopie School’s out and, for a motley crew of carefree six-to-ten-year olds, soccer rules! These kids are convinced they’re the local dream team and there’s nothing they love more than kicking it up a notch. »If you want to be cool, you got to be wild.« But this vacation brings them more than their fair share of bad luck. There’s the relentless rain which turns their field into a sea of mud. They have to deal with parents who simply don’t appreciate their love of the game. And when the sun finally does come out, their pitch has been taken over by a gang of boys who are older, bigger, rougher and just plain mean. Even though they don’t stand a chance, the boys challenge them to a match to settle the matter. Now all they have to do is win. They talk Willy, a down-on-his-luck ex-soccer pro, into being their trainer and he works wonders with them. But just when it looks as if they might actually pull it off, egos flare and the boys start fighting among themselves. When you’re hot, you’re hot and when you’re not, you’re not. Everything that could possibly go wrong, does. They fire Willy and things get even worse. And then there’s the girl – a girl – who’s determined to play on their side. But are they going to let it all get them down? No way. Win or lose, they’re going to give it their best shot. »If you want to be cool, you got to be wild.«
Boy Actors
Birthday: 27.12.1991

Age of the actor:
approximately 11 years old
Birthday: 01.06.1993

Age of the actor:
approximately 10 years old
Birthday: 18.01.1990

Age of the actor:
approximately 13 years old
Birthday: 18.03.1990

Age of the actor:
approximately 13 years old
Birthday: 24.04.1991

Age of the actor:
approximately 12 years old
Birthday: 06.03.1991

Age of the actor:
approximately 12 years old
Birthday: 13.02.1993

Age of the actor:
approximately 10 years old
Birthday: 23.12.1992

Age of the actor:
approximately 10 years old
Year of birth: 1991

Age of the actor:
approximately 12 years old
Florian Heppert
(dicker Michi)
Birthday: 19.09.1987

Age of the actor:
approximately 15 years old
More informations
This film was registered by Heiner into the movie list!
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